Job 33:14-16
For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.

Back in 2016, an intense dream literally shook me awake in awe and wonder. At first, I didn’t really comprehend the true significance of the dream. As revelation was slowly unveiled throughout the years, I started to gain understanding of what it truly signified.
In this dream, I was sitting at a large, mahogany desk, in an incredibly, fancy library. There was One seated across from me but the focus fell on His arms and hands. I did not see His face, but He had an intense Presence about Him that was filled with authority. He held a large, metal key ring with ancient, skeletal keys attached to it. The Man slowly slid the keys across the desk to me. I looked down at them in curious wonderment and awe. This dream is still just as clear and alive to me as it was back then.
When I awoke, I had an awareness of new ‘Kingdom assignments’.
I believe the purpose of this dream is to help the bride of Christ understand, and make use of, the spiritual keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to utilize them with authority from on high. Let’s dive in and unlock the simplicity of releasing the Kingdom of God, that is already within the born again believer, and impact the whole world for Jesus, all for the glory of God Almighty!