

Psalm 147:3 

He Heals The Broken Hearted And Binds Up Their Wounds 

Why Is Early Alaska Missionary Education So Important To Us? My grandma went through so much in her lifetime. She lost her parents in the early 1900 influenza outbreak. This is her baking bread as a young girl.

One of our hearts greatest desires is to share the love of God to the people of Alaska. Not with the intention of changing their heritage, but rather awakening them to their created purpose, as a son or daughter of the Most High God! The Chief of Chiefs, and Lord of Lords. As Alaskan Natives’ we tend to see and feel in such a deep way. That is why I believe, that most natives of the land, have the seer anointing to enable them to see into the spiritual realm.

This can be a powerful gift to use for the glory of God! I strongly believe that God is going to restore the instruments of long ago, to be used powerfully in worship. Sadly, some of the Native American instruments, such as the drum, flute, and rattle, were taken away and shunned as evil by some well meaning, misguided individuals. I realize that the instruments were not always used in a good way in the past but I feel they will be used for ushering in the Presence of God in the end time harvest of souls. We don’t go around taking the guitar away from everyone just because some people use it to worship the devil, so why take away the drums and rattles from the native people just because Shamans used them in their witchdoctor rituals?

My grandma on my mother’s side was from Wales, Alaska. According to the State of Alaska DCRA:

The village of Wales is one of the oldest communities in the Bering Strait region. The Inupiaq language name for Wales is Kingigin, named for the mountain that rises above it. Wales people refer to themselves as Kingikmiut, “the people of Kingigin.” Wales was also one of the largest villages in the region in pre-historical and post-contact times with population estimates between 500 – 600 people.

My grandmother’s parents both passed away during the influenza flu epidemic in the early 1900’s. She lived during the time of the early missionaries’ that were  stationed in the villages under Sheldon Jackson’s leading. Although many of them were good people, some of them were not so good. When I first read about all that happened to my grandma and my relatives I was so angry. I was terribly hurt! I was in anguish for my grandmother and our people. I carried the un-justice of these circumstances for quite some time. I had to go through some deep trauma healing from the real pain that stemmed from all the abuse.

I understand that there has been plenty of public repentance and forgiveness ceremonies, such as, ‘The Trail of Healing’ meetings, but sometimes we need to go through our own times of healing. One on one, with our Heavenly Father, who loves us and desires us to be free, in every area of our lives.

Although there are many ways God heals our hearts, one of my favorite ways to pray for healing is a basic, four-step method. God can heal anyway that He wants to. He can heal instantaneously or sometimes it just seems to take time. This is just a suggested way to pray when it feels like a deep root is still attached. This way of praying is usually done in a deep cleansing-type healing session. The steps we sometimes follow  are: Repentance, Breaking Curses, Releasing Forgiveness and Speaking a Blessing.

These same steps can be applied to any trauma or deep rooted strongholds in our lives as well. You can just change the wording to apply the steps to any particular situation. It is a good time to be FREE from all of it. He that the Son sets free is FREE INDEED! Please make sure that you are redeemed as a son or daughter of God (Born again) before stepping into these kinds of prayers, that are the inheritance of a son or daughter or God. If you have experienced any kind of trauma that doesn’t seem to lift off of your life, then please, pray this prayer with me right now;

“Father God, we come before you with all of these hurts and pains from trauma that was carried in through our bloodlines. First, we repent for giving fertile ground for a root of bitterness to nurture and grow. Please uproot them along with any un-forgiveness that we carried. We declare that every single curse be broken off of us and our bloodline. They are all broken and under the BLOOD of JESUS! He became a curse for us.. Galatians 3:13. We choose and purpose to forgive  (Wellspring Forgiveness Prayer) all of those who had hurt us and our family generations before us. We release forgiveness, just as You forgave us! Even if this is a long process, we are choosing to forgive, even when we don’t feel like it. Lastly, we release a blessing. We bless our family line in the name of Jesus! We thank You God, that we are blood bought, blood washed, and set free from the bondage of sin, iniquity and transgression. All because Jesus has paid the high price for our redemption. We bless our future generations to be free from any kind of bondage, sin, transgression, and iniquity. We bless our bloodlines, now and future generations, to be free! We receive liberty and we give You all the praise and the glory! We pray and decree that we are free forever, in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.”