Book By Glenda Wetch

Key Series

Our “Key Series” books are written to encourage born again believers. As we make use of the keys that God has already equipped us with, we will make a life changing impact everywhere that we go. Binding and loosing by authority of our King.

Partaking of His Flesh As The True Bread Of Life & Drinking Of The Cup That Was Poured Out For You

Do This In Remembrance Of Me

As I seriously started taking communion the revelation of everything that Jesus went through for our salvation became more clear to me than ever before. It is as though the hidden mysteries concerning communion were unveiled and I felt like I was physically with our Savior during His time of intense suffering.

I felt like I was gazing up at Him as His royal, cleansing, purifying, redeeming blood dripped off of His broken body and hit the ground with a supernatural splash of absolute victory releasing the `POWER’ of the New Covenant! It is time for the church to genuinely sup in the tangible presence of our Lord with complete understanding of the Living Bread from heaven and the New Covenant in His blood.

Indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you. . It is time to release it into the earth realm!