Categories: Inspiration, Teaching


Categories: Inspiration, Teaching


Mathew 3: 2

REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Repent here means to think differently or afterword or to reconsider. But that is not all it means. It also means to morally feel COMPUNCTION. 

Compunction is a word we do not hear very often anymore. In the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary it means a PRICKLING of heart; POIGNANT GRIEF or REMORSE proceeding from a consciousness of guilt; the PAIN of SORROW or REGRET of having offended God, and incurred His wrath; the STING of conscience proceeding from a conviction of having violated a moral duty. 

The next time that you repent from the heart about a sin, iniquity or transgression take a moment to let yourself feel the sting of hurting God before blurting out a quick,”sorry.” When I used to make my children apologize to one another sometimes they would say it so quickly and non-feeling that I couldn’t even tell what they said. It would come out like, “sosogohhhrry.” In this day and age there is a popular misconception about repentance because of God’s abundant grace and mercy.

We must get back to honoring God with the fear of the Lord, which is having a reverential fear and awe of God. We must be ones who TREMBLE at His word. I. have many teachings on this subject that I will share at a later time. God is looking for Word Tremblers! Let us make sure that we tremble at the Word of the Lord!

Isaiah 66:2 “For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist,” Says the Lord. “But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and WHO TREMBLES AT MY WORD.”